Granite Creek Vineyards

Granite Creek Vineyards

AJ Ryan Media > Advertising, Print Ads > Granite Creek Vineyards


This Ad was for the Chino Valley Cares magazine for Charity Publishing.

For this one, I had the logo on a red background and a few photos from the business owner. After sending the first proof, I recieved this from Charity Publishing:

Thank you. FYI- She loves that ad, but her main color scheme is burgundy, but she did say… If you change it and she doesn’t like it can you change it back? Just a heads up…..

I changed it to red for them and sent a second proof. After the second proof, I got this feedback:

She wants to stick with the original one with the green background, with the changes of removing the . off the end of the Rd and Centering the word: Garden.
-She said, I knew I shouldn’t mess with an artist’s vision. lol. she has approved